Razane Sayed Ahmad
“Hello, I am Razane El Sayed Ahmad, a 26 years old trainee lawyer.
I was born without my right arm. I never looked at my situation as a disability that keeps me from completing my goals, but rather a motive that pushes me to go forward.When I was a teenager, I felt unconformable from the pity looks that people gave me, but instead of hiding my difference, I learned to accept it and to love it. |I was lucky enough to have a supportive family and friends who gave me love and support and always encouraged me to achieve any goal I set.
Recently, I got a very exciting opportunity to have a bionic arm to help me with some difficulties I used to face in my daily life.
Bionics Lebanon did a great job fulfilling our needs and creating the bionic family committee to encourage others, especially the younger generation to accept themselves the way GOD created them.
Today, as a lawyer and as president of the trainee lawyer committee of my promotion at the Beirut Bar Association, I try my best to make an example for everyone, and especially for those with special needs, and prove to them that when there is a will there’s a way